Greetings all! :-)
Yesterday evening we had a tourney with OEG forces in Gamma. Some time before the event could our old allies and good friends be seen flying around Crete though, and we had some really good and funny duels in the time before the tourney.
When the time had come both OEG and WP assembled their forces, OEG starting from planet Crete and WP flying from Tripoli Base. As expected, OEG proved to be a lot better then the clans we are used to fight from Gemini itself, and they gave our pilots definately a hard time at times.
After several very good fights it turned out that WP would win the tourney, but not without heavy resistance from the well trained OEG forces. 8-)
After that, WP came back to Crete upon an invitation by OEG for a Mass-Fight before Crete itself. Altough I sadly had to leave shortly after, I gotta say that that massfight was one of the best I have had in a long time, and I, and with me all other WP, are looking forward to the rematch on EG Main HQ with much anticipation. :-)
I salute OEG, our good friends and close allies, for making this a very funny evening and a good challenge for us all. :-O