Hello my friends
Everybody recognises that a lot has changed in the last months.
I personally resigned from WolfPack Command and Aesthir acceded the Job.
We lost our old home server and a few members and started to be a little bit inactive.
It’s is time to change that again.
Aesthir and I will together restructure the Clan and I will rent a new home server for us.
We will kick everything out we don’t need, like Star Wars Galaxy and other inactive parts.
The moding team will start it’s work as soon as we have the server.
One of the major changes will be the scrapping of a wing.
For now we'll have one basic wing and one elite wing, like the Raiders.
Also, plans will be worked out to make the ranking system a little bit more important, with the added possibility of demotion.
The Freelancer-Athlon will be on sunday 30th at 19:00 GMT / 20:00 CEST. Preperations are already in progress and it will be one heck of an event, so all try to come!
Afterwards we will have a meeting about the changes, who will be put in effect from that moment on.
<center><b>The 101st WolfPack is back again....
Don't stand in our way... resistance is futile</b> </center>
<center><img src="/media/news/WIP2.jpg" border="0"></center>
"Only hunt what you can kill, or it will hunts YOU !!!"